Friday, May 29, 2009

The shortest and fastest update ever!!

So right now I am in Rome! We are going to eat dinner in a few minutes, but Iàll give a quick recap.

Prague was absolutely amazing! I had heard from people that it was supposed to be pretty, no... that does not even describe! We walked through the Jewish Quarter, saw the Prague Castle, walked on the Charles Bridge (a must), and ate at a restaurant overlooking all of Prague and then some!

Munich was great too. We went to Dachau Concentration camp. I cannot write enough about the emotions that I had there. Most of all a huge amount of respect and wanting to thank my Grandad for his time in the service. He is an amazing man, as are all of the veterans for their sacrifice. We went on a bike tour and had to end up riding back through the entire city in pouring down rain, horrible... but kinda fun and exciting at the same time! :) We also ate at the Hofbrahaus.

Florence was nice and chill. I saw the Duomo, went to the market and best of all saw The David! Awesome! :)

Oh Castiglion Fiorentino! We went to the A&M study center, sw the amazing view from it that overlooks Tuscany, ate some great gellato, and had good food. OH and had a cute cute cute apartment :) And walked up crazy steep and long hills. We are so hardcore, you never knew girls like us could do the things weve done here ,)

On to Rome! Colloseum, Vatican City, the Baths, Roman Forum, Trevi Fountain and Pantheon! I am walking in the midst of such great history. To think that these things were made without machinces-hah! We have an adorable apartment again and are about to go to dinner. We had the best dinner ever last night at Felices, the best Trattoria in Rome! Becca leaves in the morning :( We are all so sad. We are all healthy and loving this trip! Thank you again for your prayers, we are thinking and praying for you often!!!

p.s. excuse all of the incorrect grammar and what not, im using some crazy keyboard!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Prague... Czech it out!

We are now in Prague. This has to be short!!!! Im almost out of time.

We went to the Prague castle, visited the Jewish Quarter, went to Old Town Square and we still have things to do!! We leave at 5am to go to Munich tonight/tomorrow. I love you all & my pink eye is gone!!!! Praise the Lord! Keep us in your prayers, we miss you all :)

Foreignland Journey!

We are now in Prague, but I do not have my journal with me, so I will have to do a long update which may not include everything. But don't worry, I would love to show you pictures and tell you all about it later!!!

Our second day in London we went and actually went in the places (well most of them) that we had seen on the Fat Tire Bike Tour. London was very fast paced, with a lot of tube rides, but we saw some really awesome things! I wish that I could upload pictures from here and show you all how beautiful these places are. We saw a play while in London that was a lot like Broadway shows. The other girls have seen shows on Broadway and said that this was one of their favorites even over the ones from New York. I had never seen a play like that, so that was really really awesome!!!

From London we went to Amsterdam. We spent less than 24 hours there, but still had a blast. Amsterdam was an interesting place, as they all have been. I feel like through this trip I am learning so so much! I haven't really been out of the southern Bible belt a whole lot, and this certainly isn't that! One part of Amsterdam is beautiful with nice ornate churches and then you turn around and there's the Red Light District and really trashy streets. My heart just aches for the people who live there... I am so lucky to have the family, friends and surroundings that I have. I always think I should be in prayer about people all over the world and for them to know the Lord, but I never really knew exactly what it was like. Traveling Europe hasn't just been about hanging out with my friends and getting away from Texas for a while... It has taught me so much about other cultures and religions and ways of living. I am so blessed to be able to be on this trip with 4 other solid girls and be able to learn and visit cool places, but also have an absolute blast! While there we went to the Van Gogh museum, where Starry Night was on display. It was neat to see such a famous painting. I can remember studying it in GT when I went to Story Elementary. Then came my favorite part... the Anne Frank house!!! This was absolutely breathtaking. We walked the stairs she walked, and saw the rooms that she lived in while she was in hiding. This was the best museum I have ever been to. It was very very informative without having too many long stories to read on the walls. I am still processing all that went on there. I cannot wait to get back and read more about all of the neat historical things that we have seen!

From Amsterdam we took a night train to Prague. One itty bitty room with six tiny little beds... that train rocked us to sleep like little babies, though :)

(Which reminds me, I terribly miss my kids from work... good thing I have my phone with pictures of them on there- haha Jamee)

Friday, May 22, 2009


May 19, 2009

We flew into London, arived at 7:30 am, got through customs and drank a bit of coffee at Costa until about 9:30 when the tube opened. From there we made our way to London's Fat Tire Bike Tour. It was SOOO cool! I rode a bike for 4 hours site seeing alllllll around London! Our tour guides were Tom and Matt. These guys aren't Aggies, but Fat Tire was started by Ags and alot of Aggies still come to work at one of Fat Tires 4 locations: London, Paris, Barcelona and Berlin. Here is a little of what we saw:
-Kensington Gardens/Palace
-Wellington Arch
-Hyde Park
-Apslet House
-Trafalgar Square
-We went to a Pub for lunch and hat Fish & Chips-- classic!
-Parliment Square
-Buckingham Palace
-Westminster Abbey
-Princess Di Memorial

Our weather switched a lot from clear and sunny to cold and rainy... kinda like Texas ;)

We stopped at our hotel, Jubilee, in Eccleston Square to do some planning, then went on a Jack the Ripper tour. I linked arms with Ash and Em the whole time because it was a wee bit chilly. From there we ate a late dinner at Hamilton Hall.

The Underground

May 19, 2009...London Subway System

We made it! :) Me, Katie Blount, Becca Bowdoin, Ashley Flynn, and Emily Hodges... 5 best friends on a mission to have the greatest time of our lives! I woke up this morning with pink eye... well, yesterday morning I mean. So I am officially traveling with a pharmacy. haha Now we are riding the tube from the airport to Fat Tire Bike Tours.

-Five hearts, Five bags and ten feet to travel the World-

Distance to Destination: 7611 km...

(From my journal)

I'm in my seat! 28 D! It's an isle seat so that is nice. My little TV in front of me is showing me a map with an airplane and a red line of where we have already flown. Almost to Baton Rouge. This past week has been such a wirlwind. It's nice to stop and see how far I've come. This time last week I was still working with my favorite kiddos at Central, studying for finals and had lots and lots to pack up. Now I'm unemployeed ;), GRADUATED, and on a plane with 4 of the greatedt girls in the world to visit a whole different part of His creation!

"In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth." Gen 1:1

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Graduation... EUROPE!

Yesterday (I still consider today to be Sunday) I graduated and moved out of my little house and out of my beloved Aggieland. The home of the 12th man! ;) Tomorrow I am leaving for Europe with 4 of my best girlfriends ever. This is for my family and friends who want to keep up with me while I'm there. I love you all. Please keep Ashley, Becca, Emily, Katie and I in your prayers. See you soon!