Saturday, June 13, 2009

Nice is Nice ;)

Oh we made nice Nice jokes way too much! It was always still funny, though. The location of our apartment here was so perfect! It was literally ten steps away from a restaurant featured in the NY Times, so of course we had to eat there! We had about a 5 minute stroll to the beach, during which we passed little shops and eateries. We were about a 3 minute walk away from what was a flower and herb market during the day (smelled amazing!) and a market at night with jewelry and pottery and paintings. Also from around 11:30 am to 1:30 am, there were restaurants lining the market street. They had their menus enlarged, so that you could walk by and look at the menu before sitting down. When these places weren't open, they stack all of the tables and chairs and put them into the restaurant. Nobody eats in there, the place just stores the furniture, and has the kitchen. Just that street alone was an experience. We really took it easy in Nice. We walked around, shopped, ate yummy food, and enjoyed the view. I got a super cute floppy beach hat, something I really wanted... at H&M, of course! We also spent a lot of our time trying to figure out our shower situation, the one downside to the apartment. It was either freeeeeeezing cold and running, or dripping and luke warm. This made things interesting. We spent a lot of time just walking around the city. We just loved to walk and chat with each other about everything and nothing at all. These girls are truly wonderful!

The beach was beautiful and full of people. The beach in Nice had rocks/pebbles instead of sand. This isn't the grandest thing to lay out on, but you can move the pebbles a little. It really gets tough, however, when you go to get in the water. Sand is much nicer to bare feet than pebbles are. They hurt if you don't go extremely slow. Once you get in, you're in the Mediterranean!!! :) It is quite amazing if you can get used to the freezing cold water and the amount of salt... which inevitably gets into your mouth.

Our second day at the beach we got in again, and the waves were quite strong. Even just walking in, I was mauled by the waves and ended up on my back, feet flailing before I even started to swim. Once we were done and ready to go lay out some more, the waves had gotten particularly large. So Em had the great idea to body surf our way in. The first wave came and it was so much fun! I don't really remember all that happened next, all I know is that I decided the first wave was fun, so I would body surf another... This landed me onto the grand pebbles and then drug me down, as I struggled to get up, another came, and another, and I was tossed around in the Mediterranean Sea for all to see how ridiculous I looked. It was actually really scary at one point, but I wont go into it all. Eventually I saw Katie within crawling distance from me, so I crawled to her and grabbed her hand, and she helped me. The other girls apparently all had some difficulties as well. After we were done soaking in the sun, we walked around and made sure I was good to go for my departure to the states, and the girls were good for their train to Interlaken. We had decided to get take out pizza and wine for dinner and to stay in the apartment and have our own party. If you know us, you can only imagine what this was like! :) We stopped to get a crepe, then Katie and Em went back to shower, and Ash and I went to search for key chains in the market. I also wanted to spend my euros! The exchange rate is horrible, and I was leaving the next day... I basically had no choice but to spend my money ;) We went into some cute shops, all just initially for key chains that kept being extremely overpriced and still not that cute. I got some adorable souvenirs and so did Ash.

My last night was so perfect. Great pizza and wine, even better company. We read a good book aloud and laughed until our tummys ached. We all made sure our bags were packed and I set my alarm... :(