Saturday, June 6, 2009

Rome to Barcelona

The day we left Rome, our apartment was double booked. The next people got there while we were still there, so that made for an interesting little bit. We left our backpacks and they set down their luggage because we all had to be out of the apt so that the cleaners could come. (don't worry, we had locks on our backpacks) We ate at a little restaurant that overlooked the Colosseum. It was a beautiful view. After Ash and I went to get our keychains (we've collected through each city), then we went back to the apt to get our trusty ol backpacks and catch our cab to the airport to Barcelona. When I went to get my stuff, my white cardigan wasn't on my bag anymore. I asked the apt lady and she brought me one from the other room. I guess the cleaning lady had moved it. On to the airport we go!

Ha! This is one of the greatest parts... so while checking in, Katie reads that your bags can onlt weigh 10 kg, about 22 lbs. So before we leave Rome, Katie and Ash buy these cheap 5 euro bags to put extra stuff in and use as their carry on. I figured my backpack would still be okay, and Emily thought she was pretty close and just brought an extra plastic shopping bag.

So we get to the airport in plenty of time to rearrange our bags. We use the scale so that we can see how much weight needs to be moved around. My bag was fine (great packer, I know- jk), but the other girls- especially Katie- were transferring clothes and shoes and anything that they could to the other bag, while running back and forth to the scale to see if they were under 10 kg. Finally we got it... now we can check in! :)

Hehe... so we get in line for check in, and Katie reads a sign only about the carry on needing to be under 10 kg. Then we see people in front of us checking baggage that weighed way more than 10 kg. Feel free to laugh, this was hilarious! Still is, actually! We sent them through like they were still, we didn't feel like repacking yet again. We grabbed a Coca Cola Light (a very expensive commodity over there, but oh so yummy!) and waited to board the plane. Once we got on we were able to all sit together. Our little Spaniard friends, however, who must have been in Rome for the Manchester vs. Barcelona game and were on a high because their team won, decided to scatter themselves across the entire plane, but STILL talk/shout/yell to eachother the entire flight. Too bad we count on our transits for little naps to help keep us going...

We landed safely, and had to take a bus from the airport to the center of Barcelona. The ride was about an hour after we caught the bus. It was getting late and we were tired, but we always enjoy entering a new city! :)